Museum Gunzenhauser
12. Nov 2023 – 4. Feb 2024

»Das Kreative geht dem Unbekannten kühn entgegen.«

»Das Kreative geht dem Unbekannten kühn entgegen.«
Willi Baumeister and his network

The Museum Gunzenhauser is devoting an extensive exhibition to the internationally esteemed artist Willi Baumeister. Alfred Gunzenhauser became interested in Baumeister at an early stage and acquired the first work for his Baumeister Collection directly from the artist in 1955. Today, the Museum Gunzenhauser’s holdings of paintings by Willi Baumeister are the third largest in a public collection in Germany.
The retrospective exhibition includes works from all phases of the artist’s career and so not only highlights this exceptional artist and his theoretical and artistic stances, but also presents him as a key player: artist, theorist, teacher, critic and collector all in one. Baumeister’s networking activities make up one focal point of the exhibition. These were of great importance not only for his own artistic development, but also for the dissemination and reception of ideas. The exhibition makes that extensive network apparent by including works by colleagues and disciples of the artist. In this way Baumeister’s theories and their influence on others can be scrutinised visually. Emphasis is also being placed for the first time on how Baumeister was perceived and received in the GDR. The art collection, library and writings of Carlfriedrich Claus, for example, testify to his admiration for, and engagement with the work of Willi Baumeister.


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Willi Baumeister, Taru-Turi, 1954, Öl mit Kunstharz und Sand auf Hartfaserplatte, 54 x 65 cm, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz-Museum Gunzenhauser, Eigentum der Stiftung Gunzenhauser © VG BIld-Kunst Bonn, 2022
Willi Baumeister
Taru-Turi, 1954
Willi Baumeister, Bild mit Muschelform auf Grau-Violett, 1932, Öl und Sand auf Leinwand, 80,5x64,5 cm, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz-Museum Gunzenhauser, Eigentum der Stiftung Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/PUNCTUM/Bertram Kober © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Willi Baumeister
Bild mit Muschelform auf Grau-Violett, 1932
Willi Baumeister, Bauchige Vase in Vogelform no. 1, 1955, Privatsammlung, Foto: Archiv Baumeister im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Willi Baumeister
Bauchige Vase in Vogelform no. 1, 1955
Hanna Bekker, Roter Fuchs, um 1920, Nachlass Hanna Bekker / Archiv Hanna Bekker vom Rath, Frankfurt/Main, Foto: Fotostudio Herbert Fischer Frankfurt
Hanna Bekker
Roter Fuchs, um 1920
Willi Baumeister, Schal PERU auf gelblich-ockerfarbenem Fond, 1948, Archiv Baumeister im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Foto: bpk / Kunstmuseum Stuttgart © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023
Willi Baumeister
Schal PERU auf gelblich-ockerfarbenem Fond, 1948
Wassily Kandinsky, Rot im Quadrat, 1931, Privatsammlung, Foto: Archiv Baumeister im Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Wassily Kandinsky
Rot im Quadrat, 1931
Willi Baumeister, Lesende unter der Lampe I, 1914, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Foto: VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023 © Archiv Baumeister im bpk / Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Willi Baumeister
Lesende unter der Lampe I, 1914