Museum Gunzenhauser
19. Sep 2019 – 19. Jan 2020

Now! Young Painting in Germany

Ausstellung Jetzt! Junge Malerei in Deutschland

Now! Young Painting in Germany
Junge Malerei in Deutschland

No artistic medium has experienced as many positive as negative attributions as painting. With the exhibition project Jetzt! Young Painting in Germany, the Kunstmuseum Bonn, the Museum Wiesbaden, the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser and the Deichtorhallen Hamburg attempt to determine the current state of the medium. The aim is to provide a valid cross-section of young painting created in Germany, taking into account all manifestations of the medium without conceptual or ideological restrictions. In an extensive research, the authors have drawn not only on their own curatorial competence but also on the expertise of established painters, colleagues, art schools, art critics, etc.

Three central premises guide this exhibition project: First, it is about painting as a picture, i.e. not about installative or multimedia extensions of the medium. The second premise concerns the age of the participants and focuses on the generation of artists born since the late 1970s. The third premise concerns the geographical frame of the exhibition. The fact that this is limited to Germany results solely from the necessity of keeping the area under investigation manageable.

About 500 works by 53 artists* are on display. In the Kunstmuseum Bonn, the Museum Wiesbaden and the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser, all participating artists* will be shown in parallel, each with at least three works. A selection of the works will be on display from February 7, 2020 in the Deichtorhallen Hamburg.

A comprehensive publication will be published by Hirmer Verlag to accompany the exhibition, which will contain introductory essays and short texts on the participating artists as well as a selection of the works shown.


Artists shown

Mona Ardeleanu, Israel Aten, Paula Baader, Lydia Balke, Cornelia Baltes, Jagoda Bednarsky, Viola Bittl, Peppi Bottrop, Andreas Breunig, Paul Czerlitzki, Benjamin Dittrich, Jens Einhorn, Jenny Forster, Pius Fox, Max Frintrop, Sabrina Fritsch, Ina Gerken, Fabian Ginsberg, Gregor Gleiwitz, Lukas Glinkowski, Sebastian Gögel, Henriette Grahnert, Dana Greiner, Vivian Greven, Toulu Hassani, Sabrina Haunsperg, Franziska Holstein Aneta Kajzer, Sumi Kim, Maximilian Kirmse, Li-Wen Kuo, David Lehmann, Benedikt Leonhardt, Florian Meisenberg, Monika Michalko, Hannes Michanek, Simon Modersohn, Bastian Muhr, Anna Nero, Moritz Neuhoff Vera Palme, Alexander Pröpster, Franziska Reinbothe, Daniel Rossi, Markus Saile, Moritz Schleime, Jana Schröder, Daniel Schubert, Kristina Schuldt, Alicia Viebrock, Stefan Vogel, Jonas Weichsel, Tristan Wilczek

Curator of the exhibition

Prof. Dr. Stephan Berg, Dr. Frédéric Bußmann, Dr. Jörg Daur, Dr. Alexander Klar, Anja Richter, Lea Schäfer, Dr. Christoph Schreier


Further information under!

