13. Apr 2021 – 26. Sep 2021

Arbeiten für die Bühne

Ralf Winkler (1936–2009), Kostümentwurf für Wotan in Richard Wagners Der Ring des Nibelungen, 1998, im Nachlass des Künstlers, Foto: Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz/Schloßbergmuseum

Arbeiten für die Bühne
Kostüm- und Bühnenentwürfe von Ralf Winkler

The special exhibition Works for the Stage with costume and stage designs by Ralf Winkler is dedicated to the life’s work of Ralf Winkler.

Ralf Winkler, who was the head of set design at the Chemnitz Theatre for many years. On display are hand drawings, studies, collages, stage designs, photos, texts, figurines and various working materials from the family estate and the Chemnitz Theatre collection.

With will-o’-the-wisps in the forest, blue glow, garishly coloured masks, heavy capes and enigmatic transformations, the set designer fascinated and surprised many Chemnitz theatre-goers. The exhibition allows a glimpse behind this magic and illustrates Winkler’s elaborate studies in the run-up to his designs.