22 February 2020, 18:15 Uhr | Clara Mosch and Ralf-Rainer Wasse | Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz

Opening : Clara Mosch and Ralf-Rainer Wasse

Wolfgang E. Biedermann, Manfred Butzmann, Thomas Ranft, Dagmar Ranft-Schinke, Ulrich Tarlatt, Ralf-Rainer Wasse (Fotograf), Tripel-Spiegelei (Pleinair Kolkwitz-Rudolstadt), 1986, Fotografie, Print von digitalisiertem Kleinbildnegativ 2020, 37 x 47 cm, Lindenau-Museum Altenburg © Lindenau-Museum Altenburg/Archiv der Fotonegative von Ralf-Rainer Wasse: Die Künstlergruppe Clara Mosch und die alternative Kunstszene der DDR in den siebziger und achtziger Jahren 2020 © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020

The actions of the Karl-Marx-Stadt-based Clara Mosch artist group have been recorded primarily through Ralf-Rainer Wasse’s photographs. The photographs, which Wasse took between 1975 and 1986, also on behalf of the Stasi, form the focal point of the exhibition and document the group’s inherently ephemeral actions. They also testify to the artistic self-staging of the members of Clara Mosch, namely, Carlfriedrich Claus, Thomas Ranft, Dagmar Ranft-Schinke, Michael Morgner, and Gregor-Torsten Schade (since 1980 Kozik), ranging between wilfulness, obstinacy, and performative art forms. At the same time they reflect Wasse’s own aesthetic aspirations as a photographer. The exhibition sheds light on this field of tension and on the actions of Clara Mosch – some of the most important examples of alternative artistic work in the GDR realised independently of state art doctrine.

With the kind support of the

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