Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
24. Aug 2023 – 25. Aug 2024

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
10. Aug 2025 – 2. Nov 2025

Museum Gunzenhauser
16. Jun 2024 – 4. Aug 2024

22. Jun 2024 – 29. Sep 2024

Museum Gunzenhauser
12. May 2024 – 1. Sep 2024

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
28. Jul 2024 – 27. Oct 2024

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
24. Nov 2024 – 2. Mar 2025

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
20. Apr 2024 – 8. Sep 2024

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
7. Jul 2024 – 20. Oct 2024

Museum Gunzenhauser
27. Apr 2025 – 10. Aug 2025


28. June 2024

Website online

Studio Pandan, New Ecologies, 2024

Die Website zu unserem aktuellen Ausstellungsprojekt NEW ECOLOGIES ist online! Die Seite www.gegenwarten.info gibt Informationen über die Kunstprojekte, das Programm und die Veranstaltungen zum Public Art-Projekt.

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24. June 2024

Besucher:innenumfrage ist online

Vom 8. Juni bis zum 8. September 2024 laden die Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz alle Menschen mit Interesse am Programm der verschiedenen Häuser dazu ein, an einer Online-Befragung zum Programm der verschiedenen Häuser teilzunehmen. Die Umfrage ist auf der Website der Stadt Chemnitz verfügbar und soll mit Ihren Ergebnissen Informationen darüber liefern, wie eine noch bessere Ausrichtung auf die verschiedensten Bedürfnisse von Besucher:innen in Zukunft möglich sein kann.

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19. June 2024

NEW ECOLOGIES. Gegenwarten II eröffnet

Studio Pandan, New Ecologies, 2024

On Friday, 21 June 2024, at 5 pm, the exhibition NEW ECOLOGIES. Gegenwarten II next to the Kar Marx Monument. All project locations are accessible free of charge. Please note the opening hours of the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, the Museum Gunzenhauser, the gallery rooms of the Klub Solitaer, the University Library, the Public Baths, Chemnitz Open Space and the underground parking at Theaterplatz.

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Event highlights

August Friedrich Reichel, Ansicht der Kattundruckerei Pflugbeil/Clauß, Detail, 1839, Foto: Volker Schriever

Kuratorenführung, Saturday, 27. July 2024

In Stein gemeißelt

Kuratorinnenführung durch die Ausstellung In Stein gemeißelt mit Andrea Kramarczyk

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Public guided tour, Saturday, 27. July 2024


Lernen Sie bei unseren öffentlichen Führungen die Ausstellung “WIN/WIN – Die Kunstankäufe der Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen 2024” kennen. Jedes Jahr erwirbt die Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen Werke der zeitgenössischen bildenden Kunst, um Künstler:innen an wichtigen Punkten ihrer Karriere finanziell zu unterstützen und ihre Arbeiten öffentlich zugänglich zu machen. Es werden Kunstwerke von Künstler:innen angekauft, die ihren Schaffensmittelpunkt oder Wohnsitz im Freistaat Sachsen haben oder deren künstlerisches Wirken in engem Bezug zur sächsischen Kulturlandschaft steht. Dabei ...

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Studio Pandan, New Ecologies, 2024

Kuratorenführung, Saturday, 27. July 2024


Kuratorinnenführung mit Anja Richter

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more events

The houses of the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz

The Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz house one of the largest and most important communal art collections in Germany. The institution developed out of various civic groups, such as the art association Kunsthütte zu Chemnitz, founded in 1860. In 1909 these were gathered under the roof of the King Albert Museum, and as of 1920 were administered as a municipal museum. Today, the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz comprise a complex of different museums and institutions: the Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz, with the Carlfriedrich Claus Archive, the Museum Gunzenhauser, the Schloßbergmuseum, with Rabenstein Castle, and the Henry van de Velde Museum.

The Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz have gained high regional, national, and international renown thanks to their much-respected exhibition activities, with a particular emphasis on international modernism, their important theme-related as well as solo presentations, and also because of important work groups in their holdings. In addition to the great respect garnered by the exhibition projects, the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz have also received numerous awards for their special efforts in the field of museum education, for example with the Konrad the Art Bus project for schools. Among those awards are an inclusion in the Blue Book of nationally significant cultural institutions in 2001 and a membership in the Conference of National Cultural Institutions, the 2003 foundation award for the »best concept for lively museums and modern cultural institutions« presented by the Stiftung Lebendige Stadt Hamburg, or the 2010 Museum of the Year award by the German Section of the International Asscociation of Art Critics.

Visiting information

Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
Carlfriedrich Claus Archive
Theaterplatz 1, Chemnitz
Getting there from Chemnitz Main Station: approx. 5 minutes walk

Museum Gunzenhauser
Stollberger Straße 2, Chemnitz
Getting there from Chemnitz Main Station: tram no. 4 (direction Hutholz) to the Falkeplatz/Museum Gunzenhauser stop

Schloßberg 12, Chemnitz
Getting there from Chemnitz Main Station: bus no. 23 (direction Heinersdorf) to the Nordstraße stop, then walk approx. 500 meters along Müllerstraße and turn right up the Schloßberg hill

Henry van de Velde Museum
Parkstraße 58, Chemnitz
Getting there from Chemnitz Main Station: tram no. 4 (direction Hutholz) to the Haydnstraße stop, then walk approx. 7 minutes

Burg Rabenstein
Oberfrohnaer Straße 149, Chemnitz
Getting there from Chemnitz Main Station: tram no. 1 to the final stop Schönau, change there to bus no. 42 (direction Rabenstein) to the Weigandstraße stop, then walk approx. 10 minutes

  • Opening hours

    Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
    Museum Gunzenhauser

    Tu, Th–Su, holidays 11 am–6pm
    We 2 pm– 9 pm
    24.12. & 31.12. closed

    Henry van de Velde Museum
    Th–Su 10 am–6 pm
    24.12. & 31.12. closed
    Special closure from September 2 to November 23, 2024

    Carlfriedrich Claus Archive
    Tu, We 10 am–12 am & 1 pm–6 pm
    on appointment

    Burg Rabenstein
    Tu-Su 10 am–5 pm
    Open from May 1 to October 31

  • Admission fees

    Kunstsammlungen am Theaterplatz
    Museum Gunzenhauser
    General admission 8 Euros, reduced admission 5 Euros

    General admission 6 Euros, reduced admission 4 Euros

    Henry van de Velde Museum
    General admission 5 Euros, reduced admission 3 Euros

    Burg Rabenstein
    General admission 3 Euros, reduced admission 2 Euros

    On the first Friday of the month, admission is free.
    For children and adolescents through age 17, as well as for students of the Technical University Chemnitz, holders of Chemnitzpass, and chaperones to severely handicapped persons, admission is always free.

  • Guided tours

    All public guided tours are free of charge – you need only pay admission to the museum.

    Groups consisting of ten or more people must pre-book special guided tours, as it is not possible for them to join the public guided tours due to the restricted number of people permitted on such tours (max. 14).

    You can book special guided tours under +49 (0)371 488 4501 or
    Price: € 60; reduced rate € 35 per tour booked.

  • Barrier-free access

    For barrier-free access, a visitor guidance system with inclusive floor guidance system, orientation boards with Braille and pyramid lettering, and an elevator accessible at ground level to all exhibition floors are available at Theaterplatz. For further information, please visit Inclusion and Barrier-free Accessibility.